Tuesday, July 24, 2018



by Mahmood Hakamian 
The Iranian Regime would have you believe that the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are highly unpopular both inside and outside of Iran, but nothing could be further from the truth.

We have dedicated several articles to the intense popularity of the MEK inside Iran and amongst the Iranian diaspora, which you can see for yourselves by looking at the ongoing Iranian uprising (organised by the MEK to incite regime change in Iran) and MEK TV (run by the MEK to provide news and information about the true nature of the Regime), so in this piece we will look at the evidence for wide support for the MEK outside of Iran.

There is an incredible amount of evidence that the MEK enjoys wide support amongst the international community, from activists to heads of state to everyone in between.

We can see this in small ways, through MEK supporters using the hashtag #IStandWithMaryamRajavi (the leader of the MEK) on social media, and in big ways, like highly-ranked foreign dignitaries making speeches in support of the MEK and advocating for their countries to recognise the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) - a coalition of dissident, democratic groups, including the MEK – as the government-in-exile of Iran.

International support for the MEK transcends party politics, national borders, and traditional alliances, proving that the MEK is far from an “insignificant” group.

Support for the MEK
Here, we’re going to look at some of the biggest ways that the MEK has received support from the international community.
• France allows the NCRI to operate pubically inside its borders, despite intense 

pressure from the Regime
• Albania is sheltering 3,000 MEK refugees, who were under attack from the Regime whilst in Camp Liberty in Iraq
• The US military defended the MEK from the Regime in Camp Liberty and Camp Ashraf

• The UN declared that the MEK were protected persons under the Geneva Convention and should be protected from harm in Iraq
These are all great examples of the international community’s support for the MEK, but one of the most important ways to judge MEK support is through the Free Iran Grand Gathering, which is held annually in Paris. It is regularly attended by over 100,000 people from politicians to human rights activists to Noble Prize winners to monarchs.
The Free Iran Gathering
This event marks the anniversary of the June 20, 1981, MEK demonstration in Tehran, where 500,000 people protested against the mullahs’ regime. Each year, more people than ever before come out to support the MEK in their fight for democracy in Iran.
This year’s gathering, held between June 29 and July 1, featured some of the best and brightest people from around the world speaking in support of the MEK. Let’s look at just a few.
• Maria Candida Almeida, Deputy Attorney General and former Attorney General of Portugal
• Sir David Amess, British MP
• Giulio Terzi, former Foreign Minister of Italy
• Ingrid Betancourt, former Colombian Senator, and presidential candidate
• Ranjana Kumari, Equality movement activist from India
• Eduard Lintner, former German deputy Interior Minister
• Pandeli Majko, former Albanian Prime Minister
• John Baird, former Foreign Minister of Canada
• Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada
• Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City
• Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives
• General George Casey, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army (2007 to 2011)
• Louis Freeh, former Director of the FBI
• Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General
• Frances Townsend, former assistant to the US President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
• Jérard Deprez, MEP
• Bernard Kouchner, former Foreign Minister of France
• Rama Yade, former French Minister of Human Rights
This list, which is outstanding in itself, does not even take into account the support for the MEK by those in the current US Cabinet, like national security advisor John Bolton. This makes many believe that soon Donald Trump will recognise Maryam Rajavi as the true president of the Iranian people and make US policy on Iran about regime change.

MEK Support Outside of Iran

MEK support outside of Iran-Paris-Free-Iran-2018

By Pooya Stone
The Iranian Government often likes to portray the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as highly unpopular inside and outside of Iran, which is an outright lie.
We’ve already covered various topics, including the current Iranian uprising and MEK TV, which show how much support the MEK has within Iran, so this time we will be focusing on how the MEK actually enjoys wide support from politicians and activists in the international community.
The MEK is supported by many people across the world, from monarchs to politicians to human rights activists to military heroes to intelligence directors to Noble Prize winners, with hundreds of thousands of people publically pledging their support for the MEK. This support shows that the MEK is widely recognised by the world as Iran’s government-in-exile, making it far from “insignificant”, and shows that there is great support for change in Iran.
• France allows the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) - a coalition of dissident, democratic groups, including the MEK - to conduct its business, as a government-in-exile, inside France
• Albania is currently sheltering 3,000 MEK refugees, who were under attack from the Government, in Camp Liberty in Iraq
• he US defended the MEK from attack in Camp Liberty and Camp Ashraf in Iraq
• The UN declared the MEK in Iraq to be protected persons and should be protected from harm
Of course, one of the most important ways to judge MEK support from the international community, is at the Free Iran Grand Gathering, which is held in Paris each summer, and attended by over 100,000 people.
This annual event marks the anniversary of a 1981 MEK demonstration in Tehran, where half a million people protested the mullahs’ rule. Every year, it draws more and more people to express solidarity with the MEK, including many prominent dignitaries from around the world.
The 2018 event was held last weekend, so let’s take a look at some of the biggest names who spoke in favour of the MEK at the Free Iran Gathering.
• Jean-Francois Legaret, Mayor of the 1st district of Paris
• Jérard Deprez, MEP

• Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York City
• Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives
• Bill Richardson, former Governor of New Mexico
• Bernard Kouchner, former Foreign Minister of France
• Philippe Douste-Blazy, former Foreign Minister of France
• General George Casey, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army (2007 to 2011)
• Louis Freeh, former Director of the FBI
• Ingrid Betancourt, former Colombian Senator and presidential candidate
• Frances Townsend, former assistant to the US President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
• Pandeli Majko, former Albanian Prime Minister
• Rama Yade, former French Minister of Human Rights
• Ranjana Kumari, Equality movement activist from India
• Maria Candida Almeida, Deputy Attorney General and former Attorney General of Portugal
• Eduard Lintner, former German deputy Interior Minister
• Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General
• John Baird, former Foreign Minister of Canada
• Stephen Harper, former Prime Minister of Canada
• Sir David Amess, British MP
• Giulio Terzi, former Foreign Minister of Italy
That right there is a veritable who’s who of the best and the brightest leaders in the world and they support the MEK, but they are far from the only people. Indeed, many people in the US Cabinet support the MEK and the belief is that they will encourage Donald Trump to recognise MEK leader Maryam Rajavi as the true president of the Iranian people and advocate a policy of regime change in Iran.

Friday, July 20, 2018

We support the NCRI, the only democratic alternative led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Grand Gathering for a Free Iran - The Alternative, Paris - 2018

The NCRI is the only democratic alternative led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who supports the Iranian people's uprising to overthrow the mullahs #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran Grand Gathering of Iranians for #FreeIran 1st July 2017/-/John Bolton U....

The NCRI is the only democratic alternative led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who supports the Iranian people's uprising to overthrow the mullahs #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran Speech by John baird at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villep...

The NCRI is the only democratic alternative led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who supports the Iranian people's uprising to overthrow the mullahs #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran Speech by Tunne Kelam at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vil...

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is the only democratic alternative led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who supports the Iranian people's uprising to overthrow the mullahs #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Free Iran: Iran resistance adherents’ demonstration in Germany

The National Council of Resistance of Iran is the only democratic alternative led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who supports the Iranian people's uprising to overthrow the mullahs #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by Paria Kohandel at Free Iran The Alternative Gathering 2018 V...

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 freeiran: Protests in Sweden and Germany

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Free Iran: Solidarity with the resistance Grand Gathering from homeland

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by Rama Yade at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villep...

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Free Iran: Uprising Pioneers & Rebel Units Inside Iran

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by Fatmir Mediou at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vi...

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by Pandeli Majko at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vi...

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by David Amess at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vil...

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by Giulio Terzi at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 V...

We support the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 Point plan #IStandWithMaryamRajavi #Iran #IranRegimeChange #FreeIran2018 Speech by Lars Rise at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Ville...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Ingrid Betancourt :We are with you inch by inch in the path to democracy, we are with you in every heart beats, in every cry, in every tear, in every wound, with you until you are finally free. #Iran #FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange Speech by Ingrid Betancourt at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 201...

He said: “We must not ignore the people of Iran and we must not ignore their desire for change. #Iran #FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange Speech by Stephen Harper at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vi...

Canadian Officials Support The Iranian People’s Fight For Regime Change

Canadian Officials Support The Iranian People’s Fight For Regime Change

At the Free Iran Gathering in Paris on Saturday, many distinguished politicians came forward to support the Iranian people’s fight for regime change, including a delegation from Canada that included former Prime Minister Stephen Harper and former foreign minister John Baird.
In their speeches, both Baird and Harper praised the Iranian people and their supporters for their “long battle for a free and democratic Iran” and expressed their support for the people of Iran and the Iranian Resistance.
Baird explained that the West has for too long tried to find an element of moderation within the Iranian Regime; an element that simply does not exist, but that appeasement must come to an end.
He said: “We must not ignore the people of Iran and we must not ignore their desire for change. Over the past six months, the people of Iran have shown great courage in protesting on the streets in more than 140 cities. They are desperately fighting for regime change. And friends, it is time to stand with the people of Iran and to give them our full support.”

Harper agreed, noting that the Regime has shown that it cannot be trusted and the world should pay attention when the mullahs show their true colours.
Harper explained that under his government, Canada had adopted a harsh policy on the Iranian Regime, including sponsoring annual resolutions against Iran’s human rights abuses at the United Nations, introducing sanctions against the Revolutionary Guard and other regime entities, listing the Regime as a state sponsor of terrorism, allowing victims of the Regime’s atrocities to sue the mullahs, and cutting off diplomatic relations with Iran. He did this to support a foreign policy led by freedom, democracy, and human rights.
Harper said: “Iran is ruled by a regime of cruel and tyrannical mullahs that represent the opposite of the best of human values. It is a regime that stands for everything that is wrong. Not just in the region but in the world. It has sullied a great culture. It has sullied a great religion.”
Both men had expressed their support for the American decision to withdraw from the flawed 2015 nuclear deal and signed a letter to the effect, citing that the money that the mullahs had gained from that deal was used to increase domestic repression, terrorism, and nuclear weapons development.
Harper advocated for an Iran run by and for the people of Iran and reminded them that they have immense support within the international community.

Regime change

He said: “I am here today, not to tell Iranians who their future government should be. We are here to tell them that the future government of Iran must be the choice of a free people of Iran… I know that everyone here understands this, otherwise you would have long ago given up your dreams for a new and better Iran. Friends, do not give up hope. You have many friends, as today’s gathering shows, from all around the world, who want a new Iran. An Iran governed not by the hatreds of the past, but by the people’s aspirations for their future. A new Iran that stands proudly alongside the free nations of the world. A new Iran that I know and that you know will come to pass and will come someday soon. Keep up the fight.”
Baird agreed, noting that it was time for change in Iran, change by the Iranian people.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

کلمة نيتو غينغريتش الرئيس السابق لمجلس النواب الأمريكي ومرشح الرئاسة الأمريكية في مؤتمربباریس – 30یو #Iran #FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange کلمة نيتو غينغريتش الرئيس السابق لمجلس النواب الأمريكي ومرشح الرئاسة الأ...

Speech by Robert Torricelli at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villepinte , Paris #Iran #FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange Speech by Robert Torricelli at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 201...


Rajavi's assassination required enormous resources, extensive planning,


By INU Staff
INU - Earlier this month, two Iranian suspects and an Iranian diplomat were arrested for their participation in the plotting of a terrorist attack in France against the main Iranian opposition. They were planning to let a bomb off at the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s (NCRI) annual Free Iran rally.
Prosecutors in Belgium say that when the couple was arrested in Belgium, they were in possession of TAPT – a homemade explosive that is often used by terrorists. They were also in possession of a detonation device.
A few days after this news broke from Belgium, the Netherlands announced that two of its Iranian diplomats were being expelled from the embassy in The Hague
In November last year it was reported that Iranian man Ahwazi Ahmad Mola Nissi, a 52-year-old political activist, was shot dead in the Netherlands. At around the same time, further details about the death of Mohammad-Reza Kolahi were revealed.
Although the Netherlands has not given an official reason for expelling two members of staff at the Iranian embassy, leaks indicate that they had known about the Mola Nissi and Motamed assassinations and had played a role.
The Iranian regime has been involved in assassinations of its political opponents and of dissidents for decades. It is impossible to say how many people have been assassinated outside Iran because of the different weapons and methods used, but there have been many.
Dr. Kazem Rajavi was a renowned human rights advocate and elder brother of Iranian opposition leader Massoud Rajavi and Iran's first Ambassador to the United Nations headquarters in Geneva following the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
On 24 April 1990, was gunned down in broad daylight by several agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security of Iran as he was driving to his home in Coppet, a village near Geneva.
Rajavi's assassination required enormous resources, extensive planning, and coordination among several of the regime's organizations. After extensive investigations, Roland Chatelain, the Swiss magistrate in charge of the case, and Swiss judicial and police officials confirmed the role of Iran's government under Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and the participation of thirteen official agents of the Iranian regime who had used "service passports" to enter Switzerland for their plot.
Swiss magistrates later issued an international arrest warrant for a former Iranian intelligence minister, Ali Fallahian. Fallahian and 13 Iranian diplomats are wanted on charges of murdering Kazem Rajavi.
In 1991, the last prime minister of Iran under the Shah regime Shapour Bakhtiar was stabbed and killed at his home just outside Paris. He had already survived an assassination attempt in 1980 in France.
Mr Naghdi was a former Iranian diplomat who worked at Tehran’s Rome embassy under the Shah. In 1982, angered by the suppression of dissidents after the revolution, he defected to the opposition People’s Mojahadeen Organization of Iran, PMOI/MEK.
Mr Naghdi was shot on a Rome street in a murder that
Abolghasem Mesbahi, a former Iranian intelligent agent based in Germany, alleged to the police investigation that the agent sent from Tehran to kill Mr Naghdi.and also
the ambassador of Iran called Aboutalebi had been involved in the mission alongside Amir Mansur Assl Bozorgian, the head of Iranian intelligence in Rome.
Sadegh Sharafkandi, a Kurdish political activist and the Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (PDKI), was murdered along with a couple of colleagues and a translator in 1992 at Mykonos restaurant in Berlin.
The Iranian regime put a temporary stop to the assassinations in Europe after the backlash from the public over the Mykonos restaurant murders, the trial of which had a huge following. The trial of the two Iranian and four Lebanese perpetrators of the attack lasted five years.
Eventually assassination attempts continued and current Saudi Foreign Minister was targeted in a failed assassination attempt. He was the Saudi ambassador to Washington at the time.
n Iranian - Manssor Arbabsiar - confessed that he was involved in a conspiracy to assassinate the ambassador.
These actions just go to show that Tehran has very little regard for the consequences of its acts. Thankfully, not all of the Iranian regime’s assassinations were successful. A great number of them have been foiled, like the one that was intended to target the opposition in Paris at the end of June. This is something that is starting to be a great concern to many in Europe.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Ingrid Betancourt at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 201...


#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Albanian delegation at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 20...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Delegation of england parliament at Free Iran: The Alternative...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Delegation from Italy at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering ...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by David Clarinval at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 ...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Ad Melkert at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villep...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by 4 women read a statement at Free Iran: The Alternative Gatheri...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Theresa Villiers at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 ...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Roger Godsiff at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vil...


#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Matthew Offord at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vi...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Zaynat Mir Hashemit at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 20...


#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists #MaryamRajavi with women's board

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Peria Kohendel at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 Vi...

#FreeIran2018 #IranRegimeChange #Iran #ExpellIranDiplomatTerrorists Speech by Iranian Expert society at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speech by Salman Ansari t at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 V...


#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speech by Zaynat Mir Hashemit at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 20...


#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speech by Mayor Rudy Giuliani at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering ...

#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speech by Newt Gingrich at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018 V...

#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speeches by poland delegations at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering ...

#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speech by Iranian Expert society at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering...

#ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists #No2Rouhani @MFA_Austria #FreeIran2018 Speech by Romanian & Swisss at Free Iran The Alternative Gathering 2018...