Thursday, June 22, 2017

US is monitoring Iran's illicit missile activities, according to the State Department

US State Department Spokesperson, Heather Nauert

briefing on Tuesday June 20th, a reporter asked Heather Nauert, the department's spokesperson about a news conference held in Washington by the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) disclosing locations of dozens of Iranian regime missile sites. 
The reporter asked: 'There was a news conference held this morning in Washington by the Iranian dissident group that has periodically sought to disclose what it claims to be illicit nuclear activities of one kind or another. And this group, of course, has had some success in this area, having exposed Natanz. Today their subject was the Iranian ballistic missile program. I wonder if anyone here in the building watched the news conference and has any comment on the purported revelation.'
MS Nauert, the State Dept. spokesperson replied: 'I’m aware that that news conference took place. I know some folks in the building were certainly monitoring that. So we’re continuing to monitor the ballistic missile program. We are monitoring that program closely and very carefully.'

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