Friday, July 7, 2017

Is water crises driving Iran toward drought?

water crisis in Iran has practically turned into a security issue

The water supply in Iran has now reached an ultra critical level according to the Ministry of Energy’s Water and Wastewater Planning Office (WWPO).

Hedayat Fahmi, the Deputy Director of the WWPO, said that Iran has now used up nearly 90% of its renewable water resources meaning that the country is at serious risk of drought and other environmental crises.
“If a country uses up to 40 percent of its renewable water resources, it’s considered to be in an acceptable state”, said Hedayat Fahmi, adding “but if the figure reaches 40-60 percent, then the country is faced with a water crisis. If, however, renewable water usage is between 60-80 percent, the country is in a critical water condition. A renewable water usage of more than 80 percent shows an ultra critical state, so that we could say that Iran with its 88 percent of renewable water usage is now in such a state.”

Water crisis turning into a security issue

Acknowledging Iran’s critical water conditions, head of regime parliament’s security committee ‘Alaeddin Boroujerdi’ said July 1 “water crisis has practically turned into a security issue, so that we were forced to form a Water Security Committee in parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission.”
Boroujerdi said during his visit to Mashhad’s marginal areas “the country has very limited water resources, so that we are among the world’s most water-stressed countries. We are faced with a water crisis which has turned into a security issue, so that we were forced to form a water security committee in parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission. Meanwhile, wastewater is pouring into many rivers across the country, thereby ruining the healthy water. “

Water crisis in Sistan and Baluchestan

Accoriding to reports, many cities and villages in Iran’s biggest province ‘Sistan and Bluchestan’ are faced with severe water disruptions, so that water tanks are employed to bring water to villages that are farther away and close to border. Meanwhile, many villages have become uninhabited due to lack of water, with their residents forced to immigrate.
Severe drinking water scarcity and water disruption in Delgan, southwestern Sistan and Baluchestan province, has led to widespread dismay and protest among residents.
According to state-media reports on June 22, lack of water in Delgan’s villages is one of the most serious problems people are faced with in such overwhelmingly hot summer days.
“Water disruption lasts four to five days sometimes”, says one of the residents, “which is quite disturbing considering the unprecedented heat wave.”
It should be pointed out that while residents of Delgan’s villages are faced with water scarcity, the area is rich with groundwater resources, referred to as a jewel hidden deep inside the ground.
Delgan is located 475 km southwestern Zahedan, capital of Sistan and Baluchestan province.

Water crisis in Kuhdasht, Lorestan province

Reports coming from Lorestan on Wednesday June 28 say that most villages across the province are suffering water scarcity while the government is incapable of providing 597 villages with water.
According to head of regime’s Water and Wastewater Company in Lorestan, supplying water for 597 villages in the province is left unfinished as the company has run out of funds.

Protest rally in Ardebil for lack of water

According to reports, residents of ‘Boodjeh Sofla Aslandouz’, a village in Ardebil province, closed the road on Tuesday June 27 to protest about lack of drinking water.
Also in Pishva, Varamin, residents of Felestin and Taleghani streets as well as Shahidgah and Gharakord districts gathered in front of regime’s governor building, demanding that the water crisis in the area be dealt with.
Regime is in crisis in all areas. The environment, for instance, has turned into a huge crisis due to regime’s destructive policies.
Excessively digging deep wells and using groundwater resources besides regime’s failing to set up water distribution networks have caused citizens to suffer severe water scarcity.

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