Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Iran-Backed Militias in Iraq Training Children for War

NCRI - Despite the fact that all international laws and covenants ban any use of children in wars, local Iraqi outlets have revealed how the Iran-backed Hashid al-Shabi (Popular Mobilization Units) are training children for war.

180 juveniles in the village of Basheer in Kirkuk Province are being trained by the Hashid al-Shabi, learning how to use light and heavy weapons, and training in various military tactics.

Confirming such reports, Hashid al-Shabi have said their objective is increasing these juveniles’ defensive capabilities to protect themselves and the areas they live in.

A fact-finding mission has been established in this regard, calling on Baghdad to take necessary measures aimed at preventing the repeat of such actions, according to the Kirkuk Province Parliament.

The Human Rights Commission of this parliament has called on civil organizations, security entities and the United Nations to take action and prevent such initiatives by Hashid al-Shabi.

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