Friday, August 31, 2018

France limits diplomat travel to Iran

French and European flags flying half-mast at the Quai d'Orsay in Paris, France

August 28, 2018 - France is ordering its diplomats and foreign ministry officials to indefinitely postpone all non-dire travel to Iran, citing a thwarted bomb plot targeting the Iranian opposition NCRI annual event in Paris back in June and a toughening of the mullahs’ attitude towards Paris, according to an internal memo seen by international media outlets.

“The memo cites a foiled plot to bomb a rally held by an exiled Iranian opposition group near Paris that was attended by Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani as a sign of Tehran’s more aggressive stance towards France,” according to Reuters.

The Iranian regime maintains it had nothing to do with the terror plot targeting the NCRI rally on June 30. Germany has apprehended a Vienna-based Iranian diplomat who stands accused of actually providing the explosives to a Belgian-Iranian couple missioned to carry out the attack. Belgium, where the plot was uncovered, is seeking the diplomat’s extradition.
“The behavior of the Iranian authorities suggests a hardening of their position vis-a-vis our country, as well as some of our allies,” Maurice Gourdault-Montagne, the ministry’s secretary general wrote in the Aug. 20 notice.

“Given the known security risks ... all departmental officers, whether from headquarters or (overseas) posts, are required to defer until further notice, except for urgent work, any travel plans in Iran,” Gourdault-Montagne added.
This hardening of relations comes from France, a country the Iranian regime desperately needs to maintain close relations with in its desperate effort to salvage the highly flawed 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

French oil/gas giant Total, carmakers PSA and Renault have all exited Iran after U.S. President Donald Trump departed his country from the Iran deal. This launched an exodus by European companies from Iran, all fearing the impact of Washington’s sanctions.

Reports indicate if the Iranian regime’s involvement with the Paris plot were proven, it would render quite a difficult task for France not to react strongly.

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