Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Karaj, Iran: Repressive forces kill a young man; arrest a number of protesters

Protests in Gohardasht of Karaj

ran Uprising –No. 201

On Friday, August 3, a young man from Karaj, Reza Otadi, was shot dead by repressive forces during the demonstrations in the city, and a large number of protesters were arrested.

On Saturday night, August 4, the Revolutionary Guards Fars News Agency said: “During last night riots in Karaj, one person was shot dead by unknown individuals, and 20 others were arrested. According to field observations of Fars news reporters, leaders of the riot were mostly selected from women this time.”
In order to deceive the public opinion, the IRGC wrote, "The assailant fired from inside the car 206 with a non-military weapon. Earlier and in the riots of December 28, several gunmen who had group affiliations were arrested by the security forces.” This way, the IRGC tried to portray the protesters and the PMOI as those who killed Reza Otadi; a lie that does not deceive anyone. Such lies do not work anymore and the regime must be held accountable for all its killings over the past four decades.
Such lies by a regime that, in spite of the Belgian and German prosecutor's and police statements and the arrest of its terrorist diplomat, attributes the terrorist plot against the Iranians gathering in Paris on June 30th to the PMOI, is quite expectable.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 5, 2018

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